Communication Signal Design Lab.


연구실 소식

[펌]수학과 현대대수 사이버 강의사이트에 올라온 노래입니다.

2005.06.02 06:50

김주영 조회 수:13891 추천:215

아래는 고형준 교수님의 Comment입니다.
northwestern 의 수학과 학생들로 구성된 아카펠라 그룹 "klein four group"입니다.
그런데 왜 멤버가 4명이 아니라 5명인지? (klein four group은 원소 4개 있느거 알죠?)

Finite Simple Group of Order Two의 노래를 감상하기 바랍니다.
여러분들이 듣기에는 모르는 수학용어가 많은지도 모르겠습니다..

The path of love is never smooth
But mine's continuous for you
You're the upper bound in the chains of my heart
You're my Axiom of Choice, you know it's true

But lately our relation's not so well-defined
And I just can't function without you
I'll prove my proposition and I'm sure you'll find
We're a finite simple group of order two

I'm losing my identity
I'm getting tensor every day
And without loss of generality
I will assume that you feel the same way

Since every time I see you, you just quotient out
The faithful image that I map into
But when we're one-to-one you'll see what I'm about
'Cause we're a finite simple group of order two

Our equivalence was stable,
A principal love bundle sitting deep inside
But then you drove a wedge between our two-forms
Now everything is so complexified

When we first met, we simply connected
My heart was open but too dense
Our system was already directed
To have a finite limit, in some sense

I'm living in the kernel of a rank-one map
From my domain, its image looks so blue,
'Cause all I see are zeroes, it's a cruel trap
But we're a finite simple group of order two

I'm not the smoothest operator in my class,
But we're a mirror pair, me and you,
So let's apply forgetful functors to the past
And be a finite simple group, a finite simple group,
Let's be a finite simple group of order two
(Oughter: "Why not three?")

I've proved my proposition now, as you can see,
So let's both be associative and free
And by corollary, this shows you and I to be
Purely inseparable. Q. E. D.
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