Communication Signal Design Lab.


연구실 소식

[펀글]2002 Fields Medal 수상자 발표

2002.09.09 13:58

진석용 조회 수:3708 추천:246

* 2002 Fields Medal 수상자
- Laurent Lafforgue
(honored for making major advances in the "Langlands Program," based on a visionary set of conjectures by Robert Langlands that sketch out deep connections between number theory, analysis, and group representation theory.)

- Vladimir Voevodsky
(honored for developing a new cohomology theory for algebraic varieties.)

* Nevanlinna 상
- Madhu sudan
(in recognition of his work on "probabilistically checkable proofs, to non-approximability of optimization problems, and to error-correcting codes.")

* administrator님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2007-03-06 13:39)
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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15 [펌]수학과 현대대수 사이버 강의사이트에 올라온 노래입니다. [3] 김주영 2005.06.02 13855
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9 Re..방문자입니다 ... 조언좀 부탁드립니다. 송홍엽 2002.08.25 49051
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6 Check this out! It's hilarious! [1] 김영준 2003.04.08 84415
5 A biography of C. E. Shannon [2] 송홍엽 2002.08.28 90718
4 (퍼온글:Toronto Stars) A SARS Primer 송홍엽 2003.04.21 93003